Ensuring we meet high academic standards through collaboration, dynamic course design, and rigorous review.
Quality Matters
Quality Matters (QM) is a nationally recognized, faculty-centered, peer review process.
The Quality Matters review process is dedicated to improving the quality of online and hybrid courses using a research-based process. The Florida Board of Governors approved the use of the QM Rubric for online course evaluation, and UF designed the review process with this rubric as the foundation.
Florida QM Consortium
UF is part of the Florida QM Consortium (FLQMC) System.
The FLQMC provides faculty and staff from participating institutions with information and resources to promote quality course design and to build collaborative relationships and shared expertise through statewide collaboration. The primary goal is to improve the quality of courses and learning experiences for students in online and blended courses.
System Affiliate members receive all the advantages of the Full QM subscription and have the opportunity to collaborate within the System to:
- Offer QM workshops to participants from all member institutions
- Carry out Subscriber-Managed QM-Certified Course Reviews
Course Reviewers
Our course reviewers are a dedicated team of experienced online educators and course design professionals from across the university.
Course reviewers bring a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the review process, ensuring that each course meets our high standards for quality online education. Trained in the intricacies of the review process, they are committed to providing thorough and constructive feedback to help enhance your course. Trust in their expertise as you navigate through the course review journey.